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Man’s Best Friend

By February 9, 2018August 16th, 2023No Comments

A brown and white Husky

Dogs are so unique, each and every one of them. They find a place in our hearts forever. They love us unconditionally and they absolutely deserve nothing but the best. We do everything with them and for them, when they need it, from taking them to their Veterinarian for checkups and when they aren’t feeling well, to taking them to their favorite place to play and just be a dog!

Dogs have been around for thousands of years, protecting us and providing us with companionship. They provide us with a listening ear that can lick our face when we’re sad and wag their tail when they’re just so excited to see us. There’s nothing like walking through the door after a long day and having a 4-legged friend/s come greet you like they haven’t seen you in days! They provide us a companion when we want to go out for a hike or walk and they are happy and excited to do so, maybe even more than us! They never complain and then you get to go home with a tired, happy dog and I don’t know about you but that is the most accomplishing and rewarding thing when it comes to those dogs who need their exercise.

According to a National Geographic reading, dog and human relationships have dated back to 14,000 years ago when Archaeologists discovered remains of a man, woman, and their puppy that had evidence of being well taken care of and showing signs of being well taken care of. Dogs have been used for hunting, herding, and protecting to what some even believe over 30,000 years ago. Dogs and humans are both social beings, they require us to take care of them; feed them, fix them when they’re not feeling well, play with, and (some more than others) give our utmost undivided attention! They’re even used for our special needs such as seeing eye dogs or for other things such as seizure alert.

Dogs need us as much as we need them, there’s a reason many say “my dog rescued me”. They become a part of the family, we celebrate their birthdays and continue to buy them toys and treats even when they have more than enough and most of the time just chew them up in about two seconds. Now, we love our furry friends so much that even when they decide to chew up our shoe, get in to the garbage for the billionth time, roll in that gross dead smelling spot and need countless baths, or decide they’re going to run away from us and pretend they forgot to come when called, we still could never stay mad forever. They know when they have done wrong and will go through leaps and bounds to please us again and will more than likely do something naughty again but their unconditional love for us always makes up for it. Dogs truly are a man’s best friend and will always continue to be.

“Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” – John Grogan

Submitted by Maicie Taylor