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Adopting Senior Pets

By September 9, 2019August 16th, 2023No Comments

When a lot of people are looking for a new furry friend, our brain’s automatically think “puppy” or “kitten” because it seems like less work, more reasonable, cheaper, or easier to train, but all of these reasons prove to not be true most of the time,. Younger animals can be so much work. I learned recently that adopting an older animal that has had one or many previous lives is the most rewarding gift.

I adopted a senior cat from the local animal shelter and had been told he was an aggressive cat. Everyday when I come home, he is laying all over me, purring nonstop, playing like a kitten and I’ve never been so happy that he is happy, and he really doesn’t ask for much.

Older animals in rescue shelters are looking a second chance, and the comfort of having a permanent home where they feel save and loved. It doesn’t always have to take a lot. The things we sometimes must provide to keep our older companions healthy and comfortable, such as more frequent vet visits, Laser Therapy to provide comfort for Arthritis, & medications, re a small price to pay for the unconditional love they give back.

Some great benefits of adopting an older animal, are saving a pet’s life, showing a rescue animal a new world, and showing love for the first time depending where they came from. Older dogs will often already know basic commands and potty training, and they’re already set in their ways so you’re aware what kind of personality you’re bringing into your home before-hand.

Working at the veterinary clinic, I have seen so many families that have adopted older dogs or cats. They are so loyal to their new families, adjust and adapt well, and are able to spend their last few years in a warm home that really loved and accepted them.

Our local animal shelter has so many (almost too many) interesting, loving cats currently that have been there for months and are looking for someone to give them a chance,. I urge you to go and visit them, as you might just find your forever friend.

– Submitted by Taylor Henderson